I'm happy to see you!
Emergency contact number for the day: 514-979-3532.
Welcome to​ Soins Lumière de Lune!
My name is Josée Bélanger
My mission is to accompany people and
help them take care of themselves through Reflexology and Reiki.

About Me
I am a strong believer in self healing and natural healing.
I learned about reiki when I was doing Karate in 1996. My karate teacher provided the reiki class back then.
I have started lumière de Lune because I love to help people with their well being.
I am able to help others with reflexology and reiki.
The reason I am opening my office is for people to come and feel like they can escape their reality and take time for themselves. They will feel so relaxed after the massage or reiki session. I want to help people with their wellbeing.
I have had my diploma in foot and ear reflexology for two years.
This year I will be doing hand reflexology in 2023.
I received a diploma in Energetic Sinuosity and a diploma in Chakra Reflexology in 2022.
I am taking a class in Metamorphic massage and will be certified in this technique as well.

Second degree of Reiki

Ear reflexology

Metamorphic massage

Foot reflexology
I plan to get my reflexology diploma after I finish my last 3 bio exams during 2023.